Mixed technique with knitting
Dimensions (W x L x H):
45 x 90 x 45 cm
filo di nylon, legno, terra lavica, colla.
nylon wire, wood, lava earth, glue.
Weared diary for a Pandemic protected hug.
To women victims of feminicide, on the occasion of the international graphic exhibition PANCHINA ROSSA, Licodia Eubea (CT).
The installation includes “They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their souls.” video, projected on it in loop.
Per le donne vittime di femminicidio, in occasione della mostra internazionale di grafica PANCHINA ROSSA, Licodia Eubea (CT).
L’installazione include il video “They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their souls.” proiettato sopra in loop.
Mixed technique with knitting
Dimensions (W x L x H):
hanging: 65 cm x 85 cm x 160 cm (closed);
200 cm x 160 cm (opened)
abiti usati, filo di nylon tessuto, riso bianco cotto, da pasti per i non abbienti dei servizi sociali di Roma Capitale.
used clothes, nylon yarn fabric, cooked white rice, from meals to the poor of the social services of Roma Capitale.
L’opera MARSIA é simbolo di rinascità e libertà, come nel mito greco.
Essa viene appesa dopo essere stata indossata durante lo svolgimento della video-performance BURNING K. Il video verrà poi proiettato in loop su MARSIA appeso a parete, mentre a terra rimane il tappeto con gli “scarti” rilasciati durante la pratica del PHONG-YOUP.
The work MARSIA is a symbol of rebirth and freedom, as in the Greek myth.
It is hung after being worn during the performance video BURNING K. The video will then be projected in loop on MARSIA hanging on the wall, while the carpet remains on the ground with the “scraps” released during the practice of the PHONG-YOUP.