Pieces (woman)
Installation with video performance to women victims of feminicide.
Mixed technique with bio-engravings, video and knitting
Dimensions (W x L x H):
250 x 120 x 160 cm (variable)
carta, inchiostri, nylon, ferro, semi.
paper, inks, nylon, iron, seeds.
To women victims of feminicide, on the occasion of the international graphic exhibition PANCHINA ROSSA, Licodia Eubea (CT).
The installation includes “They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their souls.” video, projected on it in loop.
Per le donne vittime di femminicidio, in occasione della mostra internazionale di grafica PANCHINA ROSSA, Licodia Eubea (CT).
L’installazione include il video “They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their souls.” proiettato sopra in loop.